Julie Drogsvold is a nationally known instructor, specializing in cotton and angora.

I’ve been raising fiber animals since middle school. My college studies focused on Secondary Education and Theater Design. Raising my own fiber naturally led to spinning and weaving and then to teaching. My ranch, Tangled Yarn Farms, nestled in the Sky Islands of southern Arizona, specializes in Navajo heritage Angora goats, Angora rabbits and heirloom cottons. My teaching style reflects my love of natural luxury fibers and joy in learning.
— Julie Drogsvold

Julie's energy was very positive, she is SO knowledgeable and a very good teacher. I also loved the history and botany she shared (old textiles, cotton plant info)”

"This was 100% the best class I've taken in spinning so far! I loved the history and stories woven in during the spinning sections!"

-student at Oregon Flock & Fiber (Albany, Oregon)

Julie's positive approach encouraged us that we could absolutely do this!”

“I most liked hearing from a person with many years of hands on experience talk about what you know, and it was great that the rabbits were there to watch the grooming and shearing, and to be able to spin the fiber.”

I’d love to work along with you on your hand spinning journey.